Air Quality Dashboard for South Cambridgeshire DC
Monitoring Sites
Click the coloured icon on the map for latest data, 7-day graphs, site information and photograph or use the links below.
Summary Information
For summary information click the Current Levels or 24 hr Maximum icons or use the links below.
Site | Hourly mean Nitrogen dioxide µgm-3 |
Running 24 Hour mean PM2.5 Particles µgm-3 |
Running 24 Hour mean PM10 Particles µgm-3 |
Harston Updated: 1 |
Not measured | ||
Northstowe Updated: 1 |
Not measured | Not measured | Not measured |
S Cambs Impington Updated: 1 |
17 Low (1) |
10 Low (1) |
10 Low (1) |
Girton Road [Closed] Updated: |
Not measured | Not measured | Not measured |
S Cambs Bar Hill [Closed] Updated: |
Not measured | Not measured | Not measured |
S Cambs Orchard Park School [Closed] Updated: |
Not measured | Not measured | Not measured |
S Cambs Orchard Park School 2 [Closed] Updated: |
Not measured | Not measured | Not measured |
For more information about the Daily Air Quality Index see UK-AIR website.
Site | Hourly mean Nitrogen dioxide µgm-3 |
Running 24 Hour mean PM2.5 Particles µgm-3 |
Running 24 Hour mean PM10 Particles µgm-3 |
Harston |
Not measured | ||
Northstowe |
Not measured | Not measured | Not measured |
S Cambs Impington |
17 Low (1) |
10 Low (1) |
10 Low (1) |
Girton Road [Closed] |
Not measured | Not measured | Not measured |
S Cambs Bar Hill [Closed] |
Not measured | Not measured | Not measured |
S Cambs Orchard Park School [Closed] |
Not measured | Not measured | Not measured |
S Cambs Orchard Park School 2 [Closed] |
Not measured | Not measured | Not measured |
For more information about the Daily Air Quality Index see UK-AIR website.
Monitoring Site Summary
Click the coloured icon on the map for latest data, 7-day graphs, site information and photograph or use the links below.
Monitoring Techniques
South Cambridge District Council undertake the following monitoring as part of their LAQM reporting to Defra.
- Automatic Continuous Monitoring. These automated analysers measure continuously 24/7 and 365 days a year. Datasets are collected hourly via telemetry direct from the analysers. The datasets are then screened, scaled and checked prior to dissemination on this website. Datasets are fully QA/QC and ratified to national standards. Detailed monthly reports are available here.
- Non-Automatic Sampling (NO2 Passive Diffusion Tubes). Passive diffusion tubes provide average concentrations across a known period, usually monthly. Samples are collected by chemical reaction on a filter or substrate within the tube and then sent for laboratory analysis. Final pollutant concentrations are calculated from the lab results and are then bias corrected using automatic measurement data. Results from these locations are available on
How Can I Help Improve Air Quality
Reduce emissions to air. A key sources of air pollution is road traffic; some of the things you can do to help reduce these emissions are:
- Use your car less and use public transport if you can
- Walk or cycle, which is good for your health too
- Car share whenever possible
- Use a low emission vehicle such as an electric or hybrid car
- Avoid driving during congested peak traffic periods
Heating systems can also be a major source of air pollution. Combustion of fuels results in emissions to air. To reduce emissions from heating consider:
- Insulating your home
- If you live in a smoke control area, be aware of the permitted fuels and appliances required
- Use electric heating powered by non-combustion forms of renewable energy